Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Weekly Fukuoka is Calling Mail

Off to Fukuoka again today (almost 2 hour train ride - taking the fast train 'cause roll high class like that) so just a quick e-mail to say yoroshiku. 

Amongst many other fun adventures we had this week, we met a less-active who is American and boy are white people intimidating. He shook my hand like a man and I forgot what that was like, I almost crumbled in puniness. He wasn't even big, but compared to Japanese people he was. Anyway he was a missionary in Japan back in the day and is married to a Japanese woman and they have two kids, so he said sometime we can hang out and share missionary stories! He was impressed to know that now we use mobile phones. Soon perhaps iPads!

Elder Malaska and I have been really enjoying finding this week, I am making and effort to make every contact different so I don't end up saying the same old stuff - and it can be really fun! We have met a lot of great people this week and learnt a lot about their beliefs, from whichever sect of Japanese-Buddhism they are from. Super interesting! Some lady dendo'd us and gave us a pamphlet so I told her I will look up their website after my mission (because I kind of can't right now) so I totally know how it feels now!

Enjoy a photo of our co-District Leader Elder Mahler (from Cairns) in his exercise uniform when they gave us a District Meeting Training on morning exercise (just what I needed to cure this frail body).

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