Sunday, March 8, 2015

Weekly kono junkai wa itsu owaru no Mail

Cool week!

It's still weird working with Elder Powell, we're still waiting for the exchanges to end and we go back to our old companions. Speaking of which, we went to Kita Kyushu for our weekly district meeting and got to hang out with Elder Malaska again. He looks ikemen in the photo I sent but that's definitely him.

We just started teaching the two kids of a new member called Satomi Shimai. We have been friends for a long time, and they come to our activities, but this was the first time we were able to go to their house and have a legitimate lesson. It's difficult teaching young people with short attention spans, so if anyone has any ideas on how to teach young people please let me know!

During the week we were housing and we talked to a girl through the inter-phone, saying our usual stuff, that we're missionaries and we are sharing a special message, and she came to the door and let us in to their genkan and her Mum came too. We stood in the genkan and shared a message with them for about 10 minutes about Joseph Smith and about the Book of Mormon, invited them to read the introduction, gave them a copy and made a return appointment for this coming week. The Mum is blind so the daughter will read it aloud for her :). She met missionaries a long time ago and remembers the good relationship she had with them, so I am grateful to those missionaries - no effort is wasted.

We also went out to all-you-can-eat-meat-that-you-cook (not sure how to translate that one into English) with our branch president Matsumaru, Mitsuko Shimai and Matsuo Shimai.
Elder Vance, who I lived with in my first transfer on Ishigaki, is now in our district so we'll be seeing weekly photos of his beautiful face I'm sure.

Mata ne!

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